Let’s be honest, we are women.
We know that bigger and right shaped lips are appealing and more attractive.
Men think women with bigger lips are more beautiful for some reason. So bigger lips are OK, but with full respect if you do it naturally.
Let’s see a homemade recipe that plump your lips.
It is natural and painless recipe that will make your lips look lush and beautiful. This recipe contains vitamin E, which makes them healthy and soft when combined with oil of cinnamon which stimulates blood flow to the lips, so that they will look lush.
It’s also worth mentioning that Vitamin E regenerates the lips, so this recipe is double win for you!
Everything you’ll need for this natural lip plumper recipe is:
- One teaspoon of cinnamon oil. If you do not have oil, you can use cinnamon powder, so that instead of a full spoon, you will put half.
- Three flat teaspoons of liquid vitamin E.
- One small bowl.
- One bottle in which you can keep the mask.
Preparation and use
Here is how we are going to prepare this homemade lip plumper.
Mix both ingredients the bowl and then place it over a pot of boiling water in order to heat the mixture.
When it’s warm, place it in the storage bottle, shake well and leave it to cool at room temperature.
This preparation is applied every 2 hours, so that you put a pair of drops on your lips and gently massage them.
You will immediately notice the effects of increased volume, but keep in mind that the effect is not a long lasting, so once you stop using the lip plumber, your lips will return to normal size.
Caution: If you experience numbness or tingling when massaging don’t worry as it’s normal.
This is due to cinnamon and also a proof that the product is acting.
But if you notice your lips become chapped and start to peel, it is a sign that you should stop using this recipe. This reaction may be due to an allergy to the cinnamon oil. Simply rinse your mouth with water and moisten it with lip balm or any moisturizer. Your lips will “calm down”.